Thursday, September 3, 2020


My husband and I have participated in peaceful protests several times and have never thrown a stone or burned anything and I have never seen another person walking by me do anything violent either. People standing up for basic human rights shouldn't be seen as a threat to law and order. It is a scared act done in love for fellow human beings.

Yes, there are violent people who come in all colors and from all political affiliations and ALL of them should be brought to justice. We should NOT close our eyes when few protestors burn a building, it is not correct. Similarly, we should not look the other way when a boy walks by the protesters and kills them. And just like we say there was ONE person who shot and killed the protesters and NOT his entire group, we should be able to say only a FEW protesters burned the shops and only a handful of protests included violence. Let's at least agree to this!

Now what is more serious from law and order and religious perspective I will leave it up to you for research and introspection between killing human beings and destroying buildings. Also, I leave it to you to decide who you want to empathize with more, those who are standing up for their basic human rights after hundreds of years of brutality and injustice vs. those who are upset because people are standing up for their basic human rights.

I come from India, Mahatma Gandhi's country, I believe in Peace and Nonviolence and I also believe in standing up for my rights and of my fellow human beings. And I am not sorry if I offend you by supporting the peaceful protests and the protesters. THERE IS NO LAW AND ORDER WITHOUT PEACE AND JUSTICE!

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