Saturday, December 24, 2011

Peace means Business

Peace has been understood in many different ways by different individuals in different cultures and in different times.  As per the USIP's Glossary of Terms for Conflict management and Peace-building, 'Peace Terms' (2011), edited by Dan Snodderly, the word “peace” evokes complex, sometimes contradictory, interpretations and reactions. For some, peace means the absence of conflict. For others it means the end of violence or the formal cessation of hostilities; for still others, the return to resolving con- flict by political means. Some define peace as the attainment of justice and social stability; for others it is economic well-being and basic freedom. Peacemaking can be a dynamic process of ending conflict through negotiation or mediation. Peace is often unstable, as sources of conflict are seldom completely resolved or eliminated. Since conflict is inherent in the human condition, the striving for peace is particularly strong in times of violent conflict. That said, a willingness to accommodate perpetrators of violence without resolving the sources of conflict—sometimes called “peace at any price”—may lead to greater conflict later. 

I agree with all the definitions/interpretations/reactions including peace at any price probably is not the best way to peace, the process to get to peace is equally important. Having said that, attaining/achieving peace is hugely important in the current times. 

This is a time when peace should become a corporate imperative. It is crucial for growing economies. Smart businesses should promote peace so that peace could protect their success. Every time, there is a violent conflict, businesses, small or big, suffer losses. I am dead sure if the United States was not involved in Iraq and Afghanistan wars, the recession would not have hit the country so badly. Let's face it, peace leads to wellbeing as well as money! 

Peace and commerce have many commonalities. Just like peace needs tolerance and acceptance of differences, successful trade involves people of different race, color or religion. Both peace and commerce strive to go beyond borders, aspire to form international ties, and bring prosperity. 

In todays world peace needs financial investment and financial investments need peace for stability and profit. I appeal to the business community to invest in peace by educating their employees, their families, and their clients about tolerance and the commonalities amongst religions and cultures. It is not tough to raise awareness regarding the importance of peace and peaceful ways to live but it needs some serious commitment both from intellectual and financial factions. In simple words, 'Harmony means money'! :-) 


  1. The american cooperate is making billions of dollars from the war even though america itself is in a debt. You are rite abt peace being a business. :)

  2. Thanks for your comment as always but I am sorry that you're missing the point! Peace efforts need serious financial commitments in terms of education and events that bring people together. People with money will not invest money in peace efforts unless they see benefits for themselves and that is why it is crucial to bring their attention to how Peace protects their business.

    By the way, only a handful people in the US or elsewhere are making billions out of war… millions of people are suffering due to wars that include thousands of business owners and this post makes an appeal to them.

    God bless

  3. Achieving peace requires kindness, understanding, tolerance and charity. The founding fathers of the US seemed to understand this and passed it on in their Declaration of Independence. In recent times the understanding has been about an "eye for an eye" reaction. The two major wars of the 21st century have been fought under the guise of peace. The internal politics of the US are replete with examples of less peaceful acts toward our neighbors (throw out the undocumented workers, negate medical care, or generate laws that violate the word and spirit of the Constitution for the sake of dealing with that internal threat).
    Kindness and charity come from the heart. It is hard for politicians to find ways to show their might when they don't have special ops and CIA drones infringing on others. What will happen if the thousands of soldiers coming back from the two wars really begin to act in peaceful ways in resource poor countries around us? Schools would be built, medical facilities would obtain, diplomats would learn a new kind of diplomacy--how to reach decision that will benefit all parties in a potential conflict. The new generation would learn to do random acts of kindness instead of killing each other in street wars.
    Think a little bit is the direction of politics was geared toward achieving peace through supporting the well being of all, the compensation we would get is immeasurable: less money spent in curative health, elimination of malaria and water born diseases, little boys and girls would have a mother and a father, the national threat level is reduced, and yes, politicians wouldn't be posturing using the American people as peon's in the current political chess game in Washington.
    Maybe the cost of peace would be worth assuming if our rhetoric turns into a discussion of peace through goodness, and our deeds reflect that new mandate.

  4. from Nakshatra Pachauri: acceptance is the most critical aspect of peace! if you can accept, you will be at peace! we just need to propogate more acceptance of everything different to us! if we can achieve that, we will have peace!

  5. I am pleased to know the different definitions of peace and your valuable thoughts on it.

    Thanks for the nice presentation.


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